Dr. Vijaykumar Patel

Internal Medicine

California, United States

About Dr. Patel

Dr. Patel is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Delano, California. He graduated from medical school in 1995. Dr. Patel accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment. 
The medical group (Adventist , Delano Med, Radhey S. ) Dr. Patel works with accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.

Full Name
Vijaykumar Patel

Internal Medicine


Graduated class of




Clinician Enrollment ID


Number of cities where Dr. Patel has offices


Number of offices


Number of hospitals

Office Locations

DELANO Offices

Phone: (661) 725-4800

1401 Garces Hwy
Delano, CA - 93215-3660

Phone: (661) 725-1592

1230 Jefferson St
Delano, CA - 93215-2204



CMS Certification Number: 050608

Doctors and Clinicians Utilization Data

SpecialtyHCPCS codeCode descriptionService Count Beneficiary count
Internal Medicine 71046 X-ray of chest, 2 views 451 225
Internal Medicine 73030 X-ray of shoulder, minimum of 2 views 63 39
Internal Medicine 73502 X-ray of hip with pelvis, 2-3 views 24 12
Internal Medicine 78452 Nuclear medicine study of vessels of heart using drugs or exercise multiple studies 121 72
Internal Medicine 80053 Blood test, comprehensive group of blood chemicals 1009 490
Internal Medicine 80305 Testing for presence of drug 142 73
Internal Medicine 83036 Hemoglobin A1C level 511 269
Internal Medicine 92540 Observation, testing, and recording of abnormal eye movement 40 37
Internal Medicine 93010 Routine electrocardiogram (EKG) using at least 12 leads with interpretation and report 181 159
Internal Medicine 93018 Exercise or drug-induced heart and blood vessel stress test with EKG monitoring, physician interpretation and report 50 49
Internal Medicine 93306 Ultrasound examination of heart including color-depicted blood flow rate, direction, and valve function 254 163
Internal Medicine 93923 Ultrasound study of arteries of both arms and legs 45 30
Internal Medicine 93970 Ultrasound scan of veins of both arms or legs including assessment of compression and functional maneuvers 101 58
Internal Medicine 96365 Infusion into a vein for therapy, prevention, or diagnosis up to 1 hour 57 56
Internal Medicine 97110 Therapeutic exercise to develop strength, endurance, range of motion, and flexibility, each 15 minutes 38 34
Internal Medicine G0009 Administration of pneumococcal vaccine 131 128
Internal Medicine G0179 Physician re-certification for medicare-covered home health services under a home health plan of care (patient not present), including contacts with home health agency and review of reports of patient status required by physicians to affirm the initial imp 11 11
Internal Medicine J0696 Injection, ceftriaxone sodium, per 250 mg 818 265

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