Dr. Robert Carey
Physician Assistant
California, United States
Dr. Carey practices at 2 locations. See details below.About Dr. Carey
Dr. Carey is an Physician Assistant Specialist in Sacramento and Elk Grove, California. He graduated from medical school in 1999. Dr. Carey accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
The medical group (Regents Of) Dr. Carey works with accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
Number of cities where Dr. Carey has offices7
Number of offices0
Number of hospitalsOffice Locations
Phone: (916) 920-0877
777 Campus Commons Rd
Suite 100
Sacramento, CA - 95825-8344
Phone: (800) 424-6589
30 Golden Land Ct
Bldg G
Sacramento, CA - 95834-2423
Phone: (916) 472-0409
646 N Market Blvd
Sacramento, CA - 95834-1207
Phone: (916) 395-7585
7231 E Southgate Dr
Sacramento, CA - 95823-2620
Phone: (916) 734-3800
4860 Y St
Suite 2100
Sacramento, CA - 95817-2307
2315 Stockton Blvd
Sacramento, CA - 95817-2201
Phone: (800) 424-6589
9281 Office Park Cir
Suite 105
Elk Grove, CA - 95758-8069
Doctors and Clinicians Utilization Data
Specialty | HCPCS code | Code description | Service Count | Beneficiary count |
Physician Assistant | 90961 | Dialysis services (2-3 physician visits per month), patient 20 years of age and older | 85 | 43 |
Physician Assistant | 90962 | Dialysis services (1 physician visit per month), patient 20 years of age and older | 26 | 17 |
Physician Assistant | 90966 | Home dialysis services per month, patient 20 years of age or older | 57 | 23 |
MIPS Scoring
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician PerformanceQuality category score: 91.8/100