Dr. Alexander Chien
Diagnostic Radiology
California, United States
Dr. Chien practices at 3 locations. See details below.About Dr. Chien
Dr. Chien is an Diagnostic Radiology Specialist in Loma Linda and Colton and Redlands, California. He graduated from University Of Michigan Medical School in 1997. Dr. Chien accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
The medical group (Faculty Ph) Dr. Chien works with accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
Number of cities where Dr. Chien has offices7
Number of offices1
Number of hospitalsOffice Locations
11234 Anderson St
Loma Linda, CA - 92354-2804
Phone: (909) 558-6277
11406 Loma Linda Dr
Suite 300
Loma Linda, CA - 92354-3711
Phone: (909) 558-4000
25455 Barton Rd
Suite 108a
Loma Linda, CA - 92354-3139
Phone: (909) 558-2808
25455 Barton Rd
Loma Linda, CA - 92354-3128
11370 Anderson St
Loma Linda, CA - 92354-3450
Phone: (909) 558-4000
900 E Washington St
Suite 200
Colton, CA - 92324-4192
Phone: (909) 558-5174
26780 Barton Rd
Redlands, CA - 92373-4308
CMS Certification Number: 050327
Doctors and Clinicians Utilization Data
Specialty | HCPCS code | Code description | Service Count | Beneficiary count |
Diagnostic Radiology | 71046 | X-ray of chest, 2 views | 370 | 345 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73030 | X-ray of shoulder, minimum of 2 views | 27 | 22 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73130 | X-ray of hand, minimum of 3 views | 14 | 13 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73502 | X-ray of hip with pelvis, 2-3 views | 34 | 32 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73562 | X-ray of knee, 3 views | 71 | 53 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73564 | X-ray of knee, 4 or more views | 22 | 19 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73630 | X-ray of foot, minimum of 3 views | 75 | 61 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 74176 | CT scan of abdomen and pelvis | 70 | 67 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 77014 | CT scan guidance for insertion of radiation therapy fields | 11 | 11 |