Dr. Matthew Charms
Diagnostic Radiology
California, United States
Dr. Charms practices at 4 locations. See details below.About Dr. Charms
Dr. Charms is an Diagnostic Radiology Specialist in Encino and Menifee and Indio and Bakersfield, California. He graduated from Clvlnd Clinic Lerner College Of Med Of Case Wstn Rsv University in 1979. Dr. Charms accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
The medical group (Beverly Ra, San Fernan, Desert Adv, Kern Radio) Dr. Charms works with accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
Number of cities where Dr. Charms has offices5
Number of offices2
Number of hospitalsOffice Locations
ENCINO Offices
Phone: (818) 933-2020
16130 Ventura Blvd
Suite 100
Encino, CA - 91436-2517
Phone: (818) 817-7707
16311 Ventura Blvd
Suite 120
Encino, CA - 91436-4396
Phone: (951) 566-5725
27168 Newport Rd
Suite B
Menifee, CA - 92584-7383
INDIO Office
Phone: (760) 863-3857
81 880 Dr Carreo Blvd
A 102
Indio, CA - 92201
Phone: (661) 326-9600
2301 Bahamas Dr
Bakersfield, CA - 93309-0663
CMS Certification Number: 050704
CMS Certification Number: 050137
Doctors and Clinicians Utilization Data
Specialty | HCPCS code | Code description | Service Count | Beneficiary count |
Diagnostic Radiology | 71046 | X-ray of chest, 2 views | 54 | 53 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 71250 | CT scan chest | 173 | 155 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73030 | X-ray of shoulder, minimum of 2 views | 215 | 182 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73110 | X-ray of wrist, minimum of 3 views | 76 | 59 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73130 | X-ray of hand, minimum of 3 views | 161 | 107 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73502 | X-ray of hip with pelvis, 2-3 views | 51 | 47 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73562 | X-ray of knee, 3 views | 36 | 27 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73564 | X-ray of knee, 4 or more views | 38 | 27 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 73630 | X-ray of foot, minimum of 3 views | 27 | 21 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 74176 | CT scan of abdomen and pelvis | 388 | 346 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 74177 | CT scan of abdomen and pelvis with contrast | 78 | 74 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 76536 | Ultrasound of head and neck | 55 | 54 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 78452 | Nuclear medicine study of vessels of heart using drugs or exercise multiple studies | 30 | 30 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 93880 | Ultrasound scanning of blood flow (outside the brain) on both sides of head and neck | 25 | 25 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 93970 | Ultrasound scan of veins of both arms or legs including assessment of compression and functional maneuvers | 14 | 13 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 93971 | Ultrasound scan of veins of one arm or leg or limited including assessment of compression and functional maneuvers | 11 | 11 |
MIPS Scoring
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician PerformanceQuality category score: 85/100
MIPS Scoring
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician PerformanceQuality category score: 95/100
MIPS Scoring
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician PerformanceQuality category score: 76.7/100
MIPS Scoring
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician PerformanceQuality category score: 95/100