Dr. Jonah Hirschbein

Diagnostic Radiology

California, United States

About Dr. Hirschbein

Dr. Hirschbein is an Diagnostic Radiology Specialist in Vacaville, California. He graduated from University Of Southern California Keck School Of Medicine in 2001. Dr. Hirschbein accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment. 
The medical group (Permanente) Dr. Hirschbein works with accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.

Full Name
Jonah Hirschbein

Diagnostic Radiology

University Of Southern California Keck School Of Medicine

Graduated class of




Clinician Enrollment ID


Number of cities where Dr. Hirschbein has offices


Number of offices


Number of hospitals

Office Locations


Phone: (707) 624-4000

1 Quality Dr
Vacaville, CA - 95688-9494

Doctors and Clinicians Utilization Data

SpecialtyHCPCS codeCode descriptionService Count Beneficiary count
Diagnostic Radiology 71046 X-ray of chest, 2 views 48 47
Diagnostic Radiology 73030 X-ray of shoulder, minimum of 2 views 40 35
Diagnostic Radiology 73130 X-ray of hand, minimum of 3 views 12 11
Diagnostic Radiology 73502 X-ray of hip with pelvis, 2-3 views 20 20
Diagnostic Radiology 73562 X-ray of knee, 3 views 71 53
Diagnostic Radiology 74177 CT scan of abdomen and pelvis with contrast 11 11

MIPS Scoring

Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician Performance
Quality category score: 85/100
PI category score 100/100
IA category score 40/40
MIPS Final Score without CPB: 92/100
MIPS Final Score: 94/100

MIPS Scoring

Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician Performance
Quality category score: 70.3/100
PI category score 100/100
IA category score 40/40
MIPS Final Score without CPB: 84/100
MIPS Final Score: 88/100

MIPS Scoring

Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician Performance
Quality category score: 95/100
PI category score 100/100
IA category score 40/40
MIPS Final Score without CPB: 97/100
MIPS Final Score: 100/100

MIPS Scoring

Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician Performance
Quality category score: 95/100
PI category score 100/100
IA category score 40/40
MIPS Final Score without CPB: 97/100
MIPS Final Score: 100/100

MIPS Scoring

Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician Performance
Quality category score: 86.7/100
PI category score 100/100
IA category score 40/40
MIPS Final Score without CPB: 93/100
MIPS Final Score: 95/100

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